Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Social Media: Potential Threat on Future Job

By: Rena Smith

             In Seattle, Matt Watson, a bitter-barista, as his blog was also called, learned the harsh consequences of social media activity on a job. Unhappy with many circumstances of the job, such as repetitive customers, Watson's blog gained popularity quick but unfortunately resulted in the loss of his job.
              In Denver, a 10th grade math teacher, Carly McKinney was fired for very inappropriate comments about her "hot" students. In addition to promiscuous tweets, McKinney's employers discovered controversial photos of the teacher smoking marijuana. While the teacher was placed under leave during the process of the investigation of McKinney's twitter account, she was ultimately fired.
               While both Watson and McKinney lost their jobs during their shameful social media posts, activity on the Internet can also prevent job seekers from employment. While parents, professors, and mentors advise many teens on the reality outside the Internet, social networkers are still unaware of the severity of their Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook posts.
                According to Forbes.com, 34% of employers who scan social media profiles of applicants found material that prevented them from hiring the candidate. Among these employers, over half noted that the material found was inappropriate of provocative photos.
So, while your resumé may be professional be mindful of photos and posts on your social networking sites.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting article. I run my own business and work very hard to brand my social media sites to match my branding. I know I have to be extremely careful on a daily basis what I post that is associated with my business because future clients can see all of my activity.

    Thanks for keeping this at the forefront of my mine as I continue to brand my business through social media, Rena!
