Monday, March 31, 2014

Technology Keeps You Close to Home

By: C.J. Kerns

Up until I was fifteen, I lived in a small town in Georgia that no one ever seemed to leave. I thought that would ring true for me, but here I am in South Carolina. Growing up in a small town, I always knew everyone, not to mention pretty much all of my immediate family lives there. I grew up being forced to be around the same people all of the time, and I loved it. I loved them. Then at the end of ninth grade, I moved five hours away to South Carolina. How would I ever stay friends with those people I grew up with in that small town in Georgia? Technology.
      Nowadays, it is close to impossible to find someone who has not heard of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the list goes on and on. I still keep in touch with many of my old friends and all of my family thanks to these social media sites. I can see what is going on in their life and I can like it or comment on it, without ever having to really be there. I am able to know what college my friends are going to, when they get a hair cut, or when something sad or happy happens in their life. It is so nice to be able to watch my family and friends lives from a five hour distance.
      Another great perk to technology is having video chats like Skype and Facetime. I Skype my grandparents and my dad, who all live in Georgia, just to talk about things going on in our lives. It is great to have that opportunity. I also use Skype with my step-dad because he just recently started a job in Maryland and that is a good way for us to still see him. The technology of cell phones alone has played a big part in me being able to stay in contact with my family and friends. Being able to send a text at random times just to say "I love you!" or being able to give someone a quick call when you get the chance, no matter where you are. 
      Technology has helped me maintain so many of the relationships I have built. Technology has kept me close to home. 

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