Monday, March 31, 2014

A Continuous Need to Improve

                 By: C.L. Wright 

“…yet a true creator is necessity which is the mother of our invention,” Plato wrote that in 369c, and he could not possibly have known how accurate he would be.  When I started writing this I had no idea who said that, but with a search engine it is possible to find anything that you want with a click of a mouse.  Researching a paper in the library requires the reference number, searching the aisles for the specific reference and then searching the pages for the desired information.  Reading will never become obsolete but the way that we read has changed dramatically.  Instead of picking up a book, we pick up a tablet or a laptop.  Most books are digitized and downloadable to any device and can be slipped into a pocket for ease of transporting. 

The look and feel of the computer has also changed drastically.  A few years ago, while the banking corporations always had big main frame computers, desktop computers were introduced in the work place. Those desktops operated on a system called DOS.  When a DOS systems came online it opened a blank screen with only c:/ the operator would type in the code to tell the computer to run a certain program.  Computers at that time were not user friendly they were built for programmers and not the average user. They were hard to learn, which made them hard to use, which made them arduous and they were expensive putting them out of reach for the average person.  Now they are sleek, light weight and the cost had dropped.  Most everyone have a cell phone, a laptop, a tablet or all three.  How cool is that?

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