Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Laptops In The Classroom

By, Khephra Hines
“Fixing Our Schools”

Technology and computing has always been an important part of education. Students have to become familiar with current technology so that they can effectively operate in the careers that they choose in the future.  Most schools have libraries and computer labs for students. This provides them with access to card catalogs, the internet and educational software.  Schools across the nation are now allowing laptops and tablets to be used in classrooms.  This has encouraged many people to create, eBooks, applications, and software that can be used during class. Allowing laptops into classrooms has a positive influence on education and society.  
Allowing students to use laptops gives them a chance to develop computer skills. Laptops give students the opportunity to become familiar with keyboarding, spreadsheets, databases, word-processing, internet and multimedia.  Many students are able to use their laptops to stay organized. They can use homework apps and online programs to manage their assignments.  Websites, like turnitin.com, can be used to check students work for plagiarism.
There are downsides to allowing laptops to be used in classrooms. Using a laptop can become a crutch for students with illegible handwriting. Many teachers complain that students are too dependent on spell check.  Simply sitting in the back of the classroom will expose another major problems with allowing laptops. Students become distracted by social media and other websites during class time.  There are programs that teachers use to monitor the activity of students in class.  
Permitting students to have more access to technology in class, has a great impact on society. Most jobs require that the employees have some experience with technology. If students have advance computing skills, then they can contribute to society when they have jobs.  

'Hybrid' Charter Schools on the Rise

1 comment:

  1. I have personally seen the impact of tablets and laptops in the classroom. My little sister is in the 4th grade and her school provides them with iPads and I swear that she knows more about them than I do. It is just so amazing to me how much they have been integrated into the class since I was in 4th grade.
